
Why Tech Needs Great Video Storytelling

Ben Cecil Best Practices, Sales Collateral, Tech Industry, Video Strategy

When we discover the latest app, gadget or breakthrough, we normally share with friends.  Yep.  We all like to show off our own technology moxie — even in short-lived spurts.

When a technology company discovers its own breakthrough, company leaders must also share the message.  But too often that story seems to get lost in a Tolstoy-sized white paper mess.  Big on data.  Skimpy on story.

If you can’t tell a compelling story of your technology, you’re missing out on a chance to create demand. (see an earlier post on Telling a Story w/ Video)

To help with this article, I asked Kyle Flaherty to weigh in.  Kyle is considered by many to be a thought leader when it comes to marketing technology.  Currently, he’s the VP of Marketing at 21CT, providers of investigative analytics and pattern-detection solutions that weed out cyber attackers and fraud.  Before, he was with IXIA | Breaking Point.  Kyle also has quite a history when it comes to video storytelling and working with video production services companies.

“Technology is only boring if you don’t tell the story correctly,” says Flaherty. “If you have a poor storyteller, it doesn’t matter (what’s in) the script.”

That’s why it’s important your team understands storytelling — or work with someone who does. Flaherty says video is a decisive tool to bring your technology’s story to life.

“The onset of using video at IXIA Breaking Point was really taking something that is very sophisticated, can be very complex and telling a detailed story,” says Flaherty. “You can do that in data sheets, you can do that in white papers, you can do that in web pages, but they’re long and people’s attention spans have really diminished.  Video actually allowed us to tell that story in an easier way.”

Tech buyers are certainly listening.  And watching.

Just look at these recent findings by IDG Research Services for tech-related video:

  • 95% say they view tech-related videos via the internet.

  • 82% post, forward, or share video content.

Tech buyers also take actions after watching tech-related videos:

  • 72% researched products and services after a watching a video.

  • 54% visited a vendor website or contacted a vendor for more information.

  • 46% purchased a product.

  • 45% looked for a product in a retail store.

Video is about more than just strictly sales though.  It’s about connecting viewers to your brand.  The great brands are the ones that tell the best stories.  And the ones that keep clients coming back.

“It’s not just about generating demand,”says Flaherty. “But it’s actually wanting to be (a part) of that brand.  You want to be a part of Apple or Salesforce or some of the other major brands that are doing such great marketing not because they just provide great solutions — which they do — but also because you want to be tied into that brand.  Video specifically plays such a huge role in extending and communicating that brand promise.”